Are you utilizing Direct Mail in your marketing strategy?

If your target audience are consumers, then direct mail is still a great way to reach them. If your audience are businesses, you will want to be very selective of what businesses you are mailing to, as many offices are closed or people are working from home.
The WHO and the CDC both have said that no coronavirus transmission has occurred from a magazine, letter, newspaper, or package. Sending mail is considered a safe practice! Now, what is the best way to utilize direct mail?
-Visual Appearance: Now is the time that you will want to swap out photos of large groups of people that have contact with one another. Instead, use images that will convey your message with maybe 1 person, or people that are distanced if you need to use people.
Empathy – Make sure you convey empathy through your message of what people are going through right now. Times are tough and so many people are feeling it.
Message – Keep your message about how you can help your prospect out. Do not have a COVID-19 sale or dramatize the crisis for your benefit. Keep your message simple and helpful!
Inspire – Set your message up to inspire your prospects. Explain how you can actually help them by educating or even entertaining them to ignite that inspiration.
What about the mailing list? The mailing is so important! If you are supplying your own list, you should make sure that your list is being cleansed with a CASS certified software, duplicate records are taken out, any addresses that are vacant are being taken out, etc…Any reputable mail house can do this for you and even send you back a revised list to update your records. You don’t want to waste your money on mailing extra pieces that you don’t need to.
If you need a mailing list, a mail house can get this for you as well. Weather it be a targeted consumer list or even just a blanket list that you mail to everyone or by segmenting routes for use with the USPS EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) program.
We love to help out with your marketing strategy! We are here if you'd like to discuss. Just give us a call (847-658-5090) or shoot us an email ( and we'll get a call set up. We are happy to conduct phone, virtual conference or even a short in-person meeting while taking precautions to make sure we are all safe!